
Hi, my name is Alys Jackson and I'm an author and poet

based in Adelaide, South Australia.

My work has been published in books, magazines,

anthologies and online.

Silly Sally’s Chilli

Silly Sally Sorenson set off into the blue,
to sample every food that’s spicy hot.
Curried eggs and vindaloo, pepper on a pepper stew,
ginger tea and garlic with the lot!

A bowl of red-hot chilli, some mustard piccalilli,
radishes and onion sealed her doom.
She shot off to the loo, to find a lengthy queue and
something deep inside her went off … Boom.

Then, a smile upon her face, Sally shot up into space,
waved a quick farewell and disappeared without a trace!

90 thoughts on “Silly Sally’s Chilli

  1. Dear Alys,

    I liked how you made Sally fly out to space and I liked how You made her really silly.


    • Yes, definitely a very silly poem, Ranulaka. I think the first time I tried chilli I almost exploded from the heat!! Alys 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

  2. Hi Alys
    This poem is so funny because silly sally eats only spicy food and blasting off to space
    And I wonder if she eats sweets anyways that poem made me smile.

    • I expect she loves sweets, too, Omesh – maybe she likes hot, chilli sweets? I’m glad you liked the poem. It certainly is a very silly poem indeed. 😆 Alys

    • That’s good to hear, Lithumi. It was lots of fun coming up with different rhymes – And I enjoy turning poems into silly short stories 😊 Alys

  3. It was really funny 😂 she shot up to space that chilli 🌶 must have bin really hot 🥵 Loved that poem alys

    • Super, really hot, Yehanya! Chilli can be sooooo hot that it hurts sometimes. Like the time I ordered NO CHILLI and they thought I asked for EXTRA chilli 😁😜🎇 Alys

  4. Hi Alys
    I can’t stop laughing do you know how funny this poem is if you don’t that is crazy and also this is like the funniest poem you have yet.

    • Hi Vinuk. I love it that you’re laughing. I enjoyed writing this poem because I once ate very hot chilli and then had to drink lots of milk because my mouth was on fire!! 😈🎇😳🔥🔥🔥 Alys

  5. So funny!
    It reminds me of when I tried vindaloo, I nearly died.
    I like how it represents something real in something fun.

    • Great comments, M! Vindaloo is sooo spicy, and absolutely delicious – if you don’t mind spicy curries. Alys 🎇🍲🔥🔥🔥

  6. Hi Alys,
    Silly Sally’s Chilli was really funny poem. I don’t like spicy food. Once I accidentally ate a chilli in my curry and that made me feel terrible. Then I drank lots of water and some sweets to feel better. I was lucky not to blast into space.

    • Oh dear, poor you! I once ordered a curry and asked them NOT to add chilli. They misunderstood and added lots and lots of chilli. My mouth still hurts thinking about it!! 😂😆 Maybe that’s why I wrote this silly poem. Alys

  7. Hi Alys
    Nice poem.I enjoyed it. I liked that you used many different food.
    It was funny that you said that she launched in space.My mother makes many different kinds of spicy foods but it won’t sent me flying to space.

    • Thank you Thinara. I loved your comments – and am very glad to hear that your mother’s food doesn’t make you fly up into space…although that might be fun!? As long as you were wearing a space suit. 🚀🌠🌛✨👽 Alys

  8. Hi Alys!
    love this poem it’s full of rhymes and hilarious sentences.
    how long did it take to write this poem and from where do you get the ideas?

    • Hi Tiaana, I can’t remember exactly how long it took to write, but I usually spend a couple of weeks writing and editing before I’m happy that a poem is finished. Sometimes it can take a lot longer! I’m not sure where I get my ideas from…I have a strong sense of silliness and love playing with ideas and words. Alys

    • Thanks for the comments Sanuli. Best not to eat too many spicy foods – we don’t want you blasting into space 🙂 Alys

  9. HI,Alys
    I loved Silly Sally’s chilli. I never really have tried chilli but chilli by its name it tastes a bit chilli. I don’t like chilli food at all. Even if I have sweets on the side I still would not have it.
    Alys just one last thing I wanted to ask you, do you like chilli food?

    • Thanks Japleen,love your comments. Yes, I have tried chilli. I really love spicy curries and and hot foods as long as they aren’t TOO hot. Alys 🙂

    • Thanks Alicja. Hot spicy foods are so popular these days. When I was younger (many, many years ago) we never ate chili or even garlic in my family. Now we love it. Alys 🙂

  10. Hi Alys
    If I ate a hot chili I would not be able to stand it.I like the way how the end of some lines rhymed

    • Thanks Nuwin. I am also not so good with very hot chilli, although I don’t mind mild jalapenos… 🙂 Alys

  11. Silly is a great word to make me happy because when I’m sad people tell me a story and they say silly and I laugh all the time. I think the story is funny to me

    • Thank you for your comments Cooper. Silly is a great word, isn’t it? I’m glad it makes you laugh. Alys 🙂

    dunno what happened there ęëê omg what?
    sorry I was laughing so hard at the poem the computer crashed
    (the snorts seemed to survive)
    this literally happens to me when I eat too much sugar
    but ill never be as silly as silly sally
    id get diabetes before I reached New Zealand
    Beth xox

    • Hi Beth, goodness me I hope you have now recovered from your fit of laughter!!!! I am very glad that you won’t be as silly as Sally and I do hope you don’t ever eat too much sugar 🙂 🙂 Alys

    • Hi Avni, I think I must have a quirky mind. When I’m bored I think of all sorts of daft things 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed it. Alys

  13. Dear Alys,
    I really like your poem but I do not like chilli … anyway I really like your poem because it was funny and most of the lines were tongue twisters. I really wish it could just be a longer poem. 

    • Hi Linuka -sorry this is so late. Somehow, I missed your post. I’m really glad you liked the poem even though you don’t like chillies! Tongue twisters are so much fun to write. Alys

  14. Hi Alys

    Your poem was really good I love chilli every time I eat something I have chilli with it.

    From Chethi

    • Hi Chethya – Wow, somehow I missed your message, so I’m very sorry this is late. Thank you for your comments and cute faces 🙂 I’m very impressed with your chilli-eating skills!! Wow. Bye Alys

  15. I think that your poem was really funny.
    I like a bit of spice not too much or I need a lot of water and sweet things to cool down.
    My sister Thisama likes to eat a lot of spice, I don’t know how she eats it without water after.

    • Wow, your sister can eat lots of spice without water? I can’t. Actually I prefer to drink milk if I’m eating spicy food. Water seems to make the chilli taste hotter 🙂 Bye Tharinsa

  16. Hi Alys
    when I read this short poem my mouth felt watery because I love spicy food.
    As you might already know my brother Tirath does not like chillies, but he has no choice because my mum cooks spicy food so he has to eat.

    Regards Yenuli

    • Hi Yenuli. Spicy food used to make my eyes water…not my mouth 🙂 But now I love spicy food too so maybe your brother will like chillies when he’s older!? What do you think? Bye Alys

  17. Hi Alys,
    I loved this poem. Even though I don’t like chilli and spicy food. Somehow my Mother makes it all the time. I love this poem, because it was funny, when Sally rushed to the toilet.
    About a different ending, instead of shooting to the space, Sally should have a good swim in the sea.

    • Hi again Tirath. I wonder if you’ll grow to love chilli and spicy food eventually? That sometimes happens when we have to eat it a lot. I’m glad you loved the poem and great idea for a different ending. Maybe a turbo-charged, jet-propelled, 300km/hour swim?! Now that would be fun. Bye Alys 🙂

  18. This was a very cool poem i liked it a lot. It was short and i thought it was funny when she shot up into space.

    • Thank you for the comments Fleur. Thankfully this isn’t a very factual poem. It wouldn’t be very nice if it was true, would it!? Bye Alys 🙂

  19. I liked how Silly Sally shot off into space. If I could change it, I would use more rhyming words.

    • Thank you for your comments Shaya. It really is a very silly poem, and I’m pleased that you enjoyed it. Bye Alys 🙂 Maybe you could add some rhyming words! Or write a different poem?

  20. This poem was very funny to me and i can relate a lot. Spicy foods are one of my favourites, what about you?

    • Hi Thenumi, I really love sweet foods especially chocolates and cake. But I also love spicy curries! 🙂 And I’m glad you thought the poem was funny. Bye Alys

  21. This poem was just amazing just like all your other ones. I have eaten quite a lot of spicy food and it is absolutely delicious so this poem especially appealed to me.

    • Hi again Chomilka. When I was young I never had the opportunity to try spicy food so it was fun writing this poem. It describes the feeling I had when I tried chilli for the very first time!! 🙂 Now I find spicy food delicious, just like you do.

  22. I an from Sri Lanka and looks like this poem is written for me because i love to eat hot and spicy food soo much.

    • I don’t know much about Sri Lanka although I do have friends from Sri Lanka and they make very spicy curries. I also love spicy food and grow chillies in my back garden. Bye Alys

  23. Hey Alys, I loved your poem and it made me smile. It had me feel happy and fuzzy on the inside.I thought about it for a while and it made me think about how my Dad likes to eat spicy food and once I got pepper in my eye when we went out for diiner with friends and family for a special occasion. From Lexi

    • Hi Lexi. Wow, isn’t it amazing what poetry and stories make us remember and think about. How did you get pepper in your eye???? Hmmmm? Bye Alys

  24. Hey Alys Jackson loved your poem silly Sally’s chilli it reminds me of when I eat chilli’s when we have them there to hot for me though because I love them !yum! My favourite part about the poem is how it all fits together from Jacinta ❤️👍😀🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶❤️👍😀

    • Hi Jacinta. I’m glad you love chilli. I do too. Although I did once have a Thai chilli that was way toooooo hot! 🙂 Bye Alys

  25. Hello Alys,
    I think your poems are very good so keep writing and don’t give up 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃

  26. Hello Alys,
    I really liked your poem it was very funny and as soon as I read the first word I started to smile!!!!😋😋😋😃😃

  27. Hi Alys I really loved your poetry it was really interesting I think you should do some more like this

    • Hi Natalee, thank you for your lovely comment. I will try to write some new poems soon. Bye Alys 🙂

  28. Hi Alys

    A few weeks ago my dad told my to try a Jalapeno and chilli mix. My sisters also tried them and they had to get a drink of water but i didn’t.

    I love your poems and stories. 🙂

    • Hi Emma, thank you for reading my poems and I’m very impressed that you didn’t need to drink water after eating a jalapeno and chilli mix!! Amazing. Bye Alys 🙂

  29. Hi Alys,
    I like Silly Sally’s Chilli poem because the way you describe the food reminds me of when my mum takes me to Bali for holidays and all the spicy food we eat there. It makes me happy because I love my holidays to Bali.

    • Hi Imogen, It’s nice to know that the poem reminds you of your holidays! I have never been to Bali but I do love spicy food, especially curry. Bye, Alys 🙂

  30. I also loved your poem especially this one because it reminds me when my mum ate a lot of hot food and she made me eat it as well…???

    • Hi again Tawsida, I hope that you didn’t have the same reaction to the hot food you and your mum ate??! Bye Alys

    • Hi Emma, I’m amazed that your sister made chilli for your dad – I hope it wasn’t too hot!! Thank you for your comments. Bye Alys

  31. Some of the lines were tongue twisters. It was funny and I liked when she went boom in the loo! I really like this short poems.

    • Hi Jack, I’m happy that you liked this poem and great work spotting the tongue twisters! Thank you for the comments. Bye Alys

  32. hi Alys ,
    I really liked the poem, nearly as much as I like Chillis, it was very funny. thanks Maddison

  33. Hi I’m Ella and I really enjoyed the chili poem it was very creative and funny. I hope to read more poems like this in the future.

    • Hi Ella, I’m so glad you liked the chilli poem. I will try to write more poems soon. Bye Alys

  34. Hi Alys, that was funny because if i ate hot food i would have a very sore mouth after and i think my mouth would go boom haha
    Thank you
    From Leah

    • Hi Leah, I think I would also have a very sore mouth if I ate so much hot food, although I do love chilli. Bye Alys

  35. Silly Sally’s Chilliis a very good poem and I think is very fun.I enjoyed it,so I would love to see a lot more poems like that in the future.

    • Hi Abbey. I’m glad you thought the poem was fun. I had lots of fun writing it and will certainly write more in the future!

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