Camel got the hump when my granny climbed on top,
gurgled, frothed and camel burped… Non-stop!
She’d kicked him as she mounted. Accidentally.
Apologised politely, but still he spat at me.
Then they lurched to standing, and I thought they’d surely go.
Instead, he lifted up his tail: A present dropped below.
Granny just smiled sweetly, and prodded with her brolly.
(I have to say that Granny is well known for acts of folly!)
With a wicked twinkle and her wrinkles all aglow,
Granny took off faster than a racehorse at the show.
The last I saw of Granny they were tearing round the bend
with distant cries of “Yee Haa!”
Granny clinging to his end.
Hi Alys, I really liked this poem. I really love camels-their so cool
Thanks Ian. Camels are very interesting animals, too. I’m pleased that you enjoyed this poem. Alys
It was a good poem Alys, I like camels!!
Thanks Ian, I like camels, too. Though they make me sore if I ride on them for too long. Alys
it was a great poem i loved how silly it was
Thank you, Mitchell. Sometimes, the silliest ones are the funniest, right! Alys
This poem was funny. The part about the camel dropping a present below, made me laugh.
Thankyou for sharing.
Hi Brayden. I’ve only just seen your comment. My goodness, I’m sorry this is so late. I love that you found the poem made you laugh. It really is very silly
I thought this poem was very funny where did you get the inspiration from
Good question, Lithumi. I once rode a camel when I was travelling across the desert in India. That’s where I got the idea from. I’m not sure why I decided to make the poem about a granny though!! Alys
That was a really funny and cute poem Alys.
Great Job!!
And a very silly poem, too, Gina. I wonder if you have ever been on a camel? Alys

Hi Alys,
I have been on a camel. It was a very long time ago. Have you?
Hi Gina. Yes, I once went on a camel in India – I went for a ride in the desert. It was soooo beautiful and the camels were very gentle. I will never forget the experience. Alys
PS: I hope your camel was gentle, too!! 

Hi Alys,
This was a funny poem and it made a laugh. It also reminded me of having a camel ride with my little sister at victor harbour a year ago. I was a bit scared because the camel behind me was too close to me.
Your comments made me laugh, too, Ishrit. Camels can be so grumpy can’t they?! Mind you, so would I be if I had to take people for rides all day long. And you feel so high up!

Bye, Alys
Hi Alys
Nice poem I enjoyed it.Here are some questions:
what gave you the idea of the poem?
how long did it take to write the poem?
Hi Thinara. I got the idea because I once went on a camel trek in India and I remember how it felt and how I had to hang on so that I didn’t fall off!! It took a couple of months to finish this poem, but I didn’t work on it every day – just sometimes.

I like the poem Alys.I liked when the camel kicked him!

Hi Sanuli, I’m so glad you liked the poem. Alys
HI Alys, I liked THE POEM. It WAS REALLY FUNNY. It made me laugh.It would be funny seeing my granny hanging of a camel’s tail. It reminded me when my mum rode a camel and she got scared when the camel sat down. Quick Question were did you get this idea from?
Great comments Japleen and so lovely to know that the poem made you laugh. Your poor mother I hope she enjoyed the camel ride. I got the idea after having a camel ride in India many years ago. They are such amazing animals!! Alys
you have used lots of rhyming words.
Yes, I have Vinuk – well spotted
1st what does folly mean?
2nd i liked when you described the poop as a present.
3rd i also liked the layout, it was nice & neat.
4th is this a true story?
Thank you for the comments Sean. Folly means foolishness…so Granny is well known for being silly.
I’m glad you liked the poem and no unfortunately it isn’t true. Bye Alys
This poem was so funny. Who knew a granny would be able to ride a camel. Also, the bit where it said, ‘he lifted up his tail: A present dropped below’ was hilarious. I wish I were able to write poems as well as you.
Hi Chomilka – thank you for your comments. I’m not sure my granny would have been able to get up on a camel but I’m sure there are lots of fit grannies out there who would give it a try
PS: I am positive you could write poems if you practised. Give it a go – it’s great fun.
Dear Alys,
I really like this poem because it is super funny and I wonder why the granny got on the camels back/hump? I also wonder if the camel was a wild camel or a tamed camel? I liked how when the granny got on the camel the camel started to burp, gurgle, kick, and spit, even flicked his tail up! I like how at the end the granny said “Yee Haa”!
Hi Linuka. Some great questions. I reckon the granny got on because the camel was tame. I once took a camel ride in India – I must say it was very uncomfortable
Hey Alys
I have been on a camels back and it was alot of fun.
Me too except I found it very uncomfortable – I went on a trek through the desert in India. I wonder where you went? Bye Alys
what actually happened to granny?
Great question Mayumdi. Since I like stories to have happy endings, I think that she eventually became great friends with the camel and they enjoyed a wonderful afternoon together
But then again….
Hi Alys
I found your poem really funny .
This reminded me of the time when I went to the Christmas pageant and the time came for the camels to come and one was eating and it looked at me. I found this poem so good so not have to change it a single bit.
Hi Yenuli. Great comments and I love your story about the pageant and the camel. Glad yo found the poem funny. Bye Alys
Dear Alys,
Now you know who I am.
Well…. anyway this poem reminded me of when I went to the Royal Adelaide show and when I saw the horses and wanted to ride them, my parents said …”NO”. I thought instead of Grandma, saying “yee ha” she could have just got so so sooo dizzy that she fell of the camel.
Hi Tirath. Thank you for your comments. When I was little I tried to ride a horse but it just wouldn’t move. I was so disappointed. Now it makes me laugh to think about it. Poor Grandma!! You think she should fall off the camel? Hmmm. I like it
Bye Alys
Hi Alys, again im amazed at this poem and it did make me laugh by imagining my grandmother on a camel. I also loved the way you used ‘A present dropped below’ Haahha
Hi again thenumi. Your comment made me laugh. It’s lovely to know that you enjoyed my very silly poem
Bye Alys
Hi Aiys, I do not know much about camels and this poem help me to read about camels and their visible identity hump. Thankyou so much
Hi again. I’m glad you learned something about camels. They are very interesting animals!!
Bye Alys
Wow when i first saw the titel i was very interested
Yes, the title is as silly as the poem! I can’t believe how many poems you have read, Natalee.
Bye Alys
I love this poem, it was very funny and I really liked the bit where the camel did a poop.
Hi Ashton, I’m glad you thought the poem was funny!
Bye, Alys
This is funny because it reminds me of the time mum and dad rode a camel. It went up back then front and mum and dad almost fell off.
Hi Emily, ha ha! I’m so glad your mum and dad didn’t fall off!!
Bye, Alys
That must of hurt getting kicked by a camel. Its never happened to me before but it still would of hurt. And getting spat on that must of been gross. And I liked the poem it’s sounds like your granny knows what she’s doing. She sounds interesting.
Hi Ella, I’m glad to hear that you’ve never been kicked by a camel and I agree that it would hurt! I can’t even imagine what it must feel like if a camel spits on you!! And thank you for saying you liked my poem. Bye Alys. PS: my granny was indeed very interesting
wow! that was amazing
i have road a camel once it was awesome.
i love your stories and poems
Hi Zoe, thank you for your comment. I’m really pleased that you like the poem, and I am amazed that you have been on a camel!! Bye Alys
Ha ha this was super funny

I have never been on a camel before.
After reading this poem I would like to ride one
Bye Stephanie
Hi Stephanie, I hope that you get to ride a camel one day
and thank you for your comments. I also hope you enjoyed your M&M’s!! Bye Alys
I have rod a camel two times and it was really fun.
I loved that poem it was funny and great

Hi again Emma, that’s amazing! I have only been on a camel once. Thank you for reading the poem and I’m pleased you thought it was funny. Bye Alys
The poem was so funny!!!!!!!
Hi Camila, I’m very pleased that you found the poem funny.
Bye Alys
It would hurt getting kicked by a camel.
i really love all your story’s.
Hi again Jude. I completely agree with your comment – I think it would hurt a lot!! I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Really cool and funny I really loved it! Sounds like Granny knew what she was doing riding a camel
and what was Granny`s name? Thank you and bye kind regards Finn.
Hi Finn, thank you for your comments. Hmm, a very good question. I’m not quite sure about Granny’s name, however, my granny was called Vera. How about that? Bye Alys
Ha funny my great grandma was called Vera and we live at her farm. How about that?
Hi Finn, thank you for sharing that – I think Vera is a lovely name.
Bye Alys
Super Funny
Hi Stephanie, I’m glad you thought it was funny.
Bye Alys
This poem made me really laugh. It would be funny seeing my granny hanging onto a camels tail.
Hello again Jack. I’m not sure your granny would agree
but thank you for telling me that the poem made you laugh. Bye Alys
I’ve seen a camel and it licked me on the face! They are funny animals especially when they poop if someone is on them! I don’t think my grandma would ride in a camel but I loved the poem and it was hilarious. From Tulara
Hi Tulara. Thank you for your wonderful comments. I am very amazed that a camel licked you on the face! I think you should be the one writing the camel poems
Bye Alys PS: I don’t think my grandma would like riding a camel either.
Camels are a very funny animal and it isn’t very nice when they spot at you.Well it has never happened to me but I don’t think it would be very nice.
Hi again Abbey, I completely agree! I would hate to have a camel spit at me – not vert nice, at all. Alys
hi Alys ,
my name is Maddison this poem reminds me of when I rode a camel for the first time I was so scared.
Hi Maddison, I am impressed that you have ridden on a camel, and hope that next time you won’t be scared. Thank you for your comments. Bye Alys
hi my name is mia I am 7 years old and i liked the poem because it was funny how a granny climbed the camel and when the camel spat it was a funny poem.
Hi Mia, I’m happy that you liked the poem and thank you for your comments. I think it would be very funny to see granny climb onto a camel, don’t you? Bye Alys
Haha that was funny
i liked the bit when the camel lifts up his tail and a present dropped below.
I would like to see my grandma on a camel that would also be really funny.
Thank you
Hi Heather, I’m glad you liked the poem but I’m not so sure your grandma would like getting on a camel?
Thank you Alys
I really liked this!!When I read this I put it in part of the tune of Waltzing Matilda. My favorite part was when the camel spat on whoever the main character was. Thanks!! Jameson. P.S. Check the poem baby wont stop crying and also your short story Momo and me.
Hi Jameson, I’m glad you liked it – I will try reading to the tune of Waltzing Matilda to see how it sounds. Thank you Alys