
Hi, my name is Alys Jackson and I'm an author and poet

based in Adelaide, South Australia.

My work has been published in books, magazines,

anthologies and online.

Crocodile Hunting

Crocodile Spotted at Casuarina Beach – Jan 26th, 2017


Sun-pressed into the shadows,

the heat a crosshatch of blisters

on their bodies, sand scoured

by summer and barnacled by salt,


the sea so blue it hurts the eyes,

the teenage truants cup their view

between the branches of a casuarina,

the wind a slight hiss

and a gust of seagulls passing by.


Hush-giggling their way along the sand,

they approach with randy trepidation

that place, taboo, the nudist beach,

a wobbling, jiggling mecca of peach –

hued beauties and clapped out men.


Unnoticed, their sleek-haired sheltie

herds a crab inside its hole and sets

its sights on the breakers that tease the shore

and taunt the dog with baited waves.


And as they wait, breath held, hard-bodied

and intent, neither boy notices the lurking figure,

watching the watchers with retractable eyes.

The crocodile hunting.

The sheltie’s surprise.

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