Little Peter Piper picked a piece of pepper tree,
but little Peter Piper had a pepper allergy.
First, he had a tickle from his head down to his knees,
followed by a sniffle that became a violent sneeze.
He tumbled through a rose bush with a thousand prickly thorns,
then leapt into a passing bullock’s awfully pointy horns,
was tossed into some nettles, (Badly stung upon the nose),
stumbled into bull ants, which then bit him on the toes.
So, Peter climbed a pepper tree, (scraping both his knees),
but Peter has an allergy that turned into a sneeze.
He tumbled through a rose bush with a thousand prickly thorns,
then leapt into a passing bullock’s awfully pointy horns…
And so on…
Dear Alys
I liked the poem very much and It was really funny. It was funny when Peter tumbled to a thousand prickly thorn and I liked how you added funny things
Kind regards
Hi again, Ranulaka. I’m glad you liked the poem. I used to like to read tongue twisters as a child. This is based on the original Peter Piper tongue twister that I memorised. Alys
Dear Alys,
I really like the way you changed the tongue tie of peter piper and changed it into a funny poem. This poem was really fun to read because every single time something new and funny happened to poor peter
Kind regards Tirath
Hi Tirath. Yes, I enjoyed tongue twisters when I was little. I think I can say Peter Piper quite quickly. I found it a lot of fun trying to change the words and making them rhyme. I wasn’t very kind to poor old Peter, though. I wonder if you’ve ever tried writing your own tongue twister. I wrote this one: This will settle Cecil’s sister’s thistles! See if you can read it quickly. I find it impossible 😠😠😠😠 Alys